Customer Testimonials

I ordered from Crown Swords for my son’s commissioning parade in April 2019. We were delighted with the service we received from you and the team, and the quality of the sword is all that I hoped it would be.

Hilton (Lt Col UK Defence Attaché)

I wholeheartedly recommend your swords, products and customer service. Not only is the sword manufactured to the highest order but the ease of correspondence and flexibility in Crown’s customer service was none better.

Spicer (Adjutant of the NZ Engineers Regiment)

I live in France and when I wanted to mark my son’s promotion, I engaged in email conversation with a couple of firms. I finally chose Crown Swords who both took instructions from overseas and delivered direct to JSCSC. I can recommend their professional approach and prompt attention.

G. Bagshaw

I recently made a bulk order of RN officer’s swords for BRNC pass out parade – fantastic service from Crown Swords. Very competitive price, excellent customer service and couldn’t have been more accommodating to work around us, always putting our training timetable first. Delivered in plenty of time as promised with good support and a fine quality product on delivery as expected.

S. Thomas

I am writing to thank you for your kind donation of an RAF Sword towards our charity auction. The Sword was very popular, and amidst fierce bidding sold for £700! Your marketing materials and promotions were made available on the stand throughout the event. The night was a great success overall, and we raised £3560, bringing our total to over £10,500 for the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance.

This money will obviously make a huge difference to the charity, as they rely entirely on private donations.

S. Chambers

Wonderful service and communication. Very helpful but not pushy. Helped me pick an officer’s sword for a surprise present for my partner. Best prices around too – would recommend. My partner loves the sword and wouldn’t change a thing. Many thanks!

J. Crosby-Jones

Exceptional quality and fabulous customer service.

M. Hutton

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